
2017-10-26 737人浏览



  “ CRMS是一个独立的寄宿和走读学校,挑战学生卓越的学术课程平衡在一个程序中的艺术,体育,物理工作,服务社会,和丰富的野外经验的大学预科课程所教的忠实住宅教师准备学生进入广泛的选择性高校的320英亩的校园,坐落在历史悠久的牧场之外的科罗拉多州阿斯彭,使得这旷野和体验式的学习机会,以及各种山的理想场所。和河流运动......“我们的使命:科罗拉多洛矶山学校培养的学习环境,让学生发现他们的潜力,作为个人中脱颖而出,他们的社区做出贡献,并且参与若有所思地在世界上,我们的份额。学术课程:我们的学术课程,设有严格的大学预科学术,视觉和表演艺术课,课堂讨论的重点,动手的工作,研究和学习。我们独特的的活动课程拥抱我们下午的工作人员和体育,以及穷乡僻壤考察。艺术课程:视觉和表演艺术在CRMS是生活不可分割的一部分。类和艺术经验共同提高我们的学生能够享受和在我们的节目的所有部分。学生可以尝试他们的手在手锻造,银器,绘画,绘画,摄影,陶瓷,音乐,戏剧,等等。住宅课程:寄宿学生生活在特定年龄,单一性别的住宅,在那里他们照顾的专用住宅教师。我们六宿舍小,一所独立学校,与一些房屋尽可能少的11名学生。这里的学生很快感受到关爱和扶持的环境的一部分。我们鼓励我们的学生与对方发展长久的友谊,去了解他们的教师作为导师和榜样。户外项目:我们相信,在课堂必须开到世界上,一个学者的生活应包括行动以及安静的学习。在一个传统的老学校,我们的学生和教职员工在穷乡僻壤,每年花21天。大学生心理咨询:我们提供全面的大学辅导计划,通过复杂的申请大学的过程中引导你和你的父母。通过我们的大学规划手册和定期与我们的大学辅导人员,以及与您携手,在去年按年计划。我们近期的一些毕业生已经接受达特茅斯阿默斯特,史密斯,贝茨,鲍登学院,斯沃斯莫尔,明德,韦尔斯利,里德,罗得岛设计学院,纽约大学Tisch艺术学院电影,巴黎圣母院,美国芝加哥大学,科罗拉多学院。学校认证: ACIS,着名的校友/校友:奥利弗·普拉特78 - AEE样品参加了为期三年的观测站。毕业后,他在美国塔夫茨大学主修戏剧,他做他的专业舞台上亮相。他的作品包括:的的“ Flatliners ” (1990年)兰德尔Steckle ; “不雅的建议” (1993年)与罗伯特雷德福/康拉德安克'82 - 是一家领先的数字在攀登。他是一个专业的登山者取得了突破性首登世界各地,从喜马拉雅到南极洲和巴塔哥尼亚。他共同撰写的书“失落的总管。”苏珊梅塞拉斯'66 - 是国际着名的摄影记者。她已出版时间, “纽约时报” , “生活,和”巴黎竞赛。她获得了文学学士学位从莎拉劳伦斯学院和哈佛大学视觉教育硕士学位。

  "CRMS is an independent boarding and day school that challenges students to excel in an academic curriculum balanced within a program of the arts, athletics, physical work, service to the community, and enriching wilderness experience. A college-preparatory curriculum taught by a committed residential faculty prepares students to enter the wide range of selective colleges and universities. The 320-acre campus, located on a historic ranch outside of Aspen, Colorado, makes this the ideal place for wilderness and experiential learning opportunities as well as a variety of mountain and river sports..."

  Our Mission: Colorado Rocky Mountain School cultivates a learning environment in which students discover their potential to excel as individuals, contribute to their communities, and participate thoughtfully in the world we share.

  Academic Curriculum: Our academic curriculum features rigorous college-prep academic and visual and performing arts classes, with an emphasis on classroom discussions, hands-on work, and research and study. Our unique active curriculum embraces our afternoon work crews and sports, as well as backcountry trips.

  Arts Curriculum: Visual and performing arts are an integral part of life at CRMS. Together classes and experience in the arts enhance our students' abilities to enjoy and excel in all parts of our program. Students can try their hands at hand at blacksmithing, silversmithing, painting, drawing, photography, ceramics, music, drama, and much more.

  Residential Curriculum: Boarding students live in age-specific, single-sex residences where they are cared for by dedicated residential faculty. Our six dorms are small for an independent school, with some housing as few as 11 students. Students here quickly feel part of a caring and supportive environment. We encourage our students to develop lasting friendships with each other, and to get to know their teachers as mentors and role models.

  Outdoor Program: We believe that the classroom must open out onto the world, that a scholar's life should encompass action as well as quiet study. In a tradition as old as the school, our students and faculty spend 21 days in the backcountry each year.

  College Counseling: We offer a comprehensive college-counseling program to guide you and your parents through the complex process of applying for college. Through our college planning handbook and regular meetings with our college counseling staff, we'll work with you on a year-by-year plan. Some of our recent graduates have been accepted to Amherst, Dartmouth, Smith, Bates, Bowdoin, Swarthmore, Middlebury, Wellesley, Reed, Rhode Island School of Design, NYU Tisch School of Film, Notre Dame, the University of Chicago, and Colorado College.

  School accreditations: ACIS, AEE

  Sample of notable school alumni/alumnae:

  Oliver Platt '78 - attended CRMS for three years. After graduating, he majored in drama at Tufts University where he made his professional debut on stage. His credits include: “Flatliners” (1990) as Randal Steckle; “Indecent Proposal” (1993) with Robert Redford/

  Conrad Anker ’82 - is a leading figure in climbing. He is a professional mountaineer who has made breakthrough first ascents throughout the world, from the Himalayans to Antarctica, and Patagonia. He co-authored the book “Lost Explorer.”

  Susan Meiselas ’66 - is an internationally acclaimed photojournalist. She has been published in Time, the New York Times, Life, and Paris Match. She earned a B.A. from Sarah Lawrence College and an M.A. in visual education from Harvard University.




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