2017-10-26 677人浏览
佛罗里达空军学院是一个Floridas最悠久的寄宿学校(庆祝50岁) 。佛罗里达空军学院提供的青年男女6-12年级的寄宿和走读招生。我们有强大的学术课程,令人兴奋的选修课,和副本的,以帮助那些需要额外的学术支持,如辅导,考试委员会和监督研究厅。我们挑战我们的学生取得成功和成长的性格和领导技能。我们美丽的校园位于中央佛罗里达州东海岸,10分钟从海滩。佛罗里达空军学院是方便车通过I - 95飞机墨尔本机场,奥兰多机场( 45英里远) 。学校除了提供热门的俱乐部,活动提供先进的布局和荣誉课程,同时提供小班师生比例低。我们将给您的孩子的个别关注,他需要获得成功,并参加他所选择的大学。最近装修的宿舍房间和浴室,也!校注:强烈的学者,包括先进的布局和令人兴奋的荣誉课程的选修课程,如计算机程序设计,美术,鼓号队,更多的低师生比例(1:11) ,小班老师的帮助的会话和强制性书斋飞行训练的潜水训练和认证冠军运动队的学生社团,包括模型火箭,冲浪,滑板性格发展学术暑期学校暑期领袖训练营100 %的大学和学院接受学校认证:南部院校协会的着名校友/校友,佛罗里达州议会的Indendent学校样本:王子菲尔德 - 美国职棒大联盟球员 - 底特律老虎杰克·戈德史密斯 - 哈佛大学教授和媒体专家安迪·冈萨雷斯 - 美国职棒大联盟球员Leevan金沙 - 三级跳远铜牌得主 - 夏季奥运会杰罗姆·乔丹 - NBA球员 - 尼克斯豪尔赫·帕迪拉 - 主要棒球协会球员格伦Standridge公司 - 格莱美获奖唱片制作人的Sasha Kaun - 专业篮球运动员(俄罗斯)
Florida Air Academy is one of Florida's most established boarding schools (celebrating 50 years). Florida Air Academy offers boarding and day enrollment for young men and women grades 6-12. We have a strong academic program, exciting electives, and progams to help those who need extra academic support, such as tutoring, ESOL, and supervised study halls. We challenge our students to succeed and to grow in character and leadership skills. Our beautiful campus is located on the central east coast of Florida, 10 minutes from the beach. Florida Air Academy is easily accessible by car via I-95 and by airplane to the Melbourne airport and the Orlando airport (45 miles away). The school offers advanced placement and honors courses in addition to offering popular clubs and activities, while providing small classes and low teacher-student ratio. We will give your child the individual attention he needs to succeed and attend the university of his choice. Recently renovated dorm rooms and bathrooms, too!
School Notes:
Strong academics to include advanced placement and honors courses
Exciting electives such as computer programming, fine arts, drum corps and more
Low teacher-student ratio (1:11) with small classes
Teacher help sessions and mandatory study halls
Flight training
Scuba training and certification
Champion sports teams
Student clubs to include model rocketry, surfing, skateboarding
Character development
Academic summer school
Summer leadership camp
100% University and College Acceptance
School accreditations: Southern Association of Colleges, Florida Council of Indendent Schools
Sample of notable school alumni/alumnae:
Prince Fielder - Major League Baseball Player --Detroit Tigers
Jack Goldsmith - Harvard Professor and Media Expert
Andy Gonzalez - Major League Baseball Player
Leevan Sands - Bronze Medalist in Triple Jump--Summer Olympics
Jerome Jordan - NBA Player--Knicks
Jorge Padilla - Major League Baseball Player
Glenn Standridge - Grammy Winning Record Producer
Sasha Kaun - Professional Basketball Player (Russia)