
2017-10-16 782人浏览


  公共管理硕士(MPA-Master of Public Administration)是为政府部门及公共机构培养复合型管理人才,为学生提供运用管理学、政治学、经济学等知识分析解决问题的技能,使其成为掌握先进分析方法及技术,熟悉具体公共管理或政策领域的领导者,管理者以及其他公共服务人才。




  (1)核心课程(Core courses,相当于我们所说的专业基础课),一般包括公共管理和政策研究的理论基础、分析方法及技巧;




  例1:Georgia State University开设的MPA:

  (1)必修课core courses ,Public Service and Democracy ,Applied Research Methods and Statistics I &II

  Microeconomics for Public Policy,Public Budgeting and Finance*,Public Management Systems and Strategies

  Leadership and Organizational Behavior,Microeconomics for Public Policy,Public Budgeting and Finance*

  (2)分为Criminal justice,Management and Finance,Nonprofit Management,Planning and Economic Development,Policy Analysis and Evaluation,Public Health几个方向,并且有各自的专业选修课程。

  Legal Aspects of Criminal Justice ,Comparative Criminal Justice,Family Violence and Criminal Justice ,Community Policing

  Domestic Terrorism ,Workplace Law for Criminal Justice Managers ,Juvenile Justice Issues ,Correctional Issues ,Criminological Issues ,Legal Issues in Criminal Justice iie@uibe.edu.cn;



  (1)核心课程core courses,Public Affairs Colloquium 公共事务研讨会,Public Budgeting公共预算,Public Administration and Democracy,Public Organizations and Management,Managerial Economics for Public Managers,Introduction to Statistics统计学

  Quantitative Analysis 数理分析,MPA Workshop,Executive Leadership and Policy Politics

  (2)7个细分方向包括:International and National Security Policy,Environmental Policy and Administration,International and Development and Administration,Public and Nonprofit Management,State and Local Government Financial Analysis and Management,Social Policy (Aging, Education, Health, Welfare),Technology and Information Management

  (3)Concurrent Degree Options:这个MPA的项目可以和其他MA的学位结合学习:Public Administration combined with Social Work, Information Science and Technology, Economics, Geography, and Management.就业的方向就比较广泛,实用性强。


  1. 哈佛大学(Harvard University)



  2. 哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)


  3. 加州大学伯克利分校(University of California Berkeley)


  4. 马里兰大学帕克分校(University of Maryland college park)


  5. 雪城大学(Syracuse University)



  The harris school of public policy studies, 学院的学生要把他们需要的工具变成问题,落实并评估决策方针,学院提供学生很多的选择,不同层次的学术和专业的追求。三个方向:

  Social and Economic Policy

  Social and Economic Policy includes education policy, environmental policy, family and child policy, health policy, poverty and inequality, and public finance.

  International Policy

  International Policy includes national security policy, international political economy, and international development.

  Politics and Institutions

  Politics and Institutions includes the political economy of state, local and national governance, and the management of governmental and non-profit organizations.

  Master of Public Policy (MPP): a two-year program for students interested in gaining a thorough training in analytical skills.

  Master of Arts in Public Policy (AM): a one-year program for students already possessing another graduate degree or in conjunction with another University graduate program.

  Master of Science in Environmental Science and Policy (MS): a two-year program for students interested in assessing the scientific repercussions of policy on the environment.

  Master of Arts in Public Policy and International Relations (AM/MA): a two-year program for students interested in combining public policy training with a focus on international relations.

  Cooperative Program with Tel Aviv University (MPP): a two-year master's program of study with course offerings at both campuses and the opportunity to earn two degrees

  Cooperative Program with the University of Chile (MPP): a two-year master's program of study with course offerings at both campuses and the opportunity to earn two degrees.

  Cooperative Program with Yonsei University Graduate School of International Studies: a two- to three-year program of study with course offerings at both campuses and the opportunity to earn two degrees.


  Robert F. Wagner Graduate school of public service, 学院将把学生培养为公共机构,非营利性机构及医疗健康体系的领导人,或是服务于公立机构的私人机构等。有关于管理,政策及财政等方面的训练,毕业的学生将会具备相关的技能来面对社会最紧迫的问题。学位及方向:Master of Public Administration(public and non-profit management and policy, health policy and management), Master of Urban Planning, Executive Master of Public Administration。


  The A. Alfred Taubman Center for Public Policy and American Institutions提供两个硕士学位项目,培养学生从政治学,经济学,教育学,公共健康,社会学和法律学中总结发展出创新的解决方案,来解决现实中的重大问题。Potential areas of concentration include education policy, health-care and social-welfare policy, urban policy, and activities in law and criminal justice and media and technology. Courses are designed to give students a strong background in interdisciplinary research, analytical approaches, and action-oriented community service. The small size of our program gives students the opportunity to work closely with faculty in teaching and research. An internship, applied research course, and group research project are required of the M.P.P. The M.P.P. is a two-year program designed for students seeking additional training in public policy. The M.P.A. is more appropriate for mid-career professionals. public affairs and public policy。

  M.P.A.: Eight courses, including five required core courses (Institutions and Policymaking, Economics and Public Policy, Public Budgeting and Management, Statistics, and Policy Analysis) and three electives in an area of specialization. Electives are taken from the center's seminars plus other methodology, institutions, and policymaking courses offered at Brown.

  M.P.P.: Sixteen courses, including eight required courses (five core courses listed above, plus an applied research course, a credit-bearing internship, and a research workshop course) and eight electives.

  Admission requirements: a personal statement is required for admission

  GRE General: Required

  GRE Subject: Not required

  Resume: Required

  Transcripts: Required

  Financial aid: Competitive scholarships are awarded to both M.P.P. and M.P.A. candidates. Determination of awards for second year of study for M.P.P. candidates is subject to review of students' first-year performance.

  Application deadline: January 1 for Financial Aid, May 31 for all other applications


  Sanford school of public policy, master of public policy, These scholars deepen our capacity to teach core analytical skills. They also expand our depth of expertise in environmental and energy policy, global governance and development policy, communications policy, child policy, social policy, and global health and population. Our leadership program, our visiting journalists program and numerous active research centers in areas such as philanthropy and civil society are bringing in fresh, outside perspectives. Students are benefiting from increased research opportunities and financial aid, and closer mentoring.


  The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Master of international public policy(M.I.P.P).

  he M.I.P.P. is intended for mid-career professionals in international fields who have at least nine years of work experience. The program offers one-year of full-time study or two years of part-time study in international relations, international economics or some combination of the sub-fields of these disciplines.


  School of public affairs. 学院涵盖了几所研究中心,把不同大学团体和学科的学者们集中到了一起,这些中心从事于各种问题的研究,像是房屋供给,环境,交通运输,老化和非盈利性社会组织的角色等问题。通过这些相关的附属研究中心,老师和学生会一起合作解决一些项目和活动,例如健康保健,国际关系,教育和一些复杂的公共争端。三个方向:Social welfare, urban planning, public policy.




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