2017-11-16 999人浏览
1、耶鲁法学院Yale Law School
2017-2018学年Tuition and Fees
Tuition $59,920
University Administrative & Activities Fee 1 $2,250
Room, Board, & Personal Expenses $17,000
Books $1,100
University Hospitalization Coverage* $2,332
TOTAL $82,602
2、斯坦福法学院Stanford University, Stanford, CA
totals $58,041
3、哈佛法学院Harvard University
2017-2018学年Tuition and Fees
Tuition $61,650
Room/Board/Personal Allowance $23,158
Mandatory HUHS Student Health Fee $1,142
Waivable Harvard University Student Health Insurance Plan (HUSHP) Fee $3,130
Books and Supplies Allowance $1,325
Travel Allowance $1,575
Stafford Loan Fees $220
Total Budget $92,200
4、芝加哥大学法学院University of Chicago
Tuition $61,626
Health Insurance* $3,972
Student Life Fee $1,164
Room & Board $16,830
Books & Supplies $1,785
Personal Expenses/ Misc. $2,880
Transportation Expenses $2,502
Student Loan Fees** $1,080
Computer Allowance $1,500
Transcript Fee $75
5、哥大法学院Columbia University
2017-2018学年Educational Costs
Tuition $65,252
Student Activity Fee $270
University Facilities Fee $960
Health Services Fee $1,082
Student Health Insurance (Gold Level) $2,991
Document Fee (one-time fee for new Columbia University students $105
Room* $12,405
Board $5,200
Personal $3,900
Books & Supplies $1,575
Total Academic Year Budget $93,740
6、纽约大学法学院New York University
2017-2018学年Tuition and Fees
Tuition $61,644
Health, Registration, Service, and Tech Fees $2,342
Room and Board $24,300
Books and Supplies $1,400
Health and Dental Insurance $3,000
Loan Fees $220
Total $92,906
7、宾大法学院University of Pennsylvania
2017-2018学年Academic Budgets
Tuition $59,382
General Fee $2,984
Technical Fee $998
Academic Subtotal: $63,364
Room $9,900
Board $5,515
Books $1,800
Miscellaneous $3,511
Health Insurance $3,348
Clinical Fee $546
Total: $87,984
8、密歇根安娜堡法学院University of Michigan-AnnArbor
Tuition and Fees $60,508
Rent/Utilities/Food $14,650
Books and Supplies $1,100
Medical(please see insurance note below) *
Personal Expenses(clothing/laundry, recreation/entertainment, phone, transportation, misc.) $3,540
Loan Origination Fees $220
TOTAL $80,018
8、弗吉尼亚大学法学院University of Virginia
Tuition and Fees: $61,300
Living Expenses (details below): $17,078
Books and Supplies: $1,800
Loan Fees: $220
Total: $80,398
Average Grad PLUS Fees: $1,392
Total With Grad PLUS Fees*: $81,790
Health Insurance (financial aid is available by request) $2,690
10、杜克大学法学院Duke University
Tuition $71,166
Medical Insurance $2,950 *
Health Fee (mandatory) $794
Law Student Activity Fee $110
Graduate Student Activity Fee $36
Graduate Student Services Fee $20
Recreation Fee $288
Transcript Fee (one time only) $40 **
Loan Fees $1,364
Rent & Utilities $8,718
Food $4,678
Books & Supplies $1,400
Personal/Miscellaneous $3,444
Local Transportation $1,758
TOTAL $96,766
10、西北大学法学院Northwestern University
2017-2018学年 Tuition
Tuition $61,784
Health Insurance* $4,036
Room and Board $14,040
Books $1,418
Personal $2,610
Transportation $1,584
Loan Fees $1,678
Budget Total $87,150
12、加州伯克利法学院University of California, Berkeley
2017-2018学年Tuition and Fees
Tuition and Fees (Total) $53,314
Student Services Fee (formerly University Registration Fee) $1,128
Tuition (formerly Educational Fee) $11,502
Berkeley Campus Fee $1,387.5
Class Pass Fee $152
Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition $26,870
Law Instructional Materials Fee $30
Non-Resident Supplemental Tuition $12,245
ESTIMATED Living Expenses (Total) $26,636
Rent & Utilities $14,414.00
Food $7,296.00
Personal (maintenance, clothing, recreation, etc.) $1,652
Transportation $3,274
ESTIMATED Books & Supplies $1,496
Health Insurance Fees (SHIP)* $4,462
Total Non-Resident Student Budget** $85,908.50
12、康奈尔大学法学院Cornell University
Tuition $65,456
Student Activity Fee $85
Room $11,250
Board $5,516
Books and Supplies $1,100
Personal/Travel $5,000
Health Insurance $2,800
Loan Fee --------
Total $91,207
14、德州奥斯汀分校法学院University of Texas at Austin
Tuition & Fees $51,995
Books & Supplies $1,996
Room & Board $12,620
Travel $1,490
Misc. $3,950
Loan fees $1,780
Total $73,831
15、乔治城大学法学院Georgetown University
TUITION $55,255
Living on-campus: $27,445