2017-11-06 824人浏览
The main campus is located in the historic north shore hamlet of Stony Brook near the geographic midpoint of Long Island, approximately 50 miles (80 km) east of Manhattan and 67 miles (108 km) west of Montauk. Bounded to the north by New York State Route 25A (North Country Road) the campus is subdivided into "West Campus" and "East Campus" by the thoroughfare County Road 97 (Nicolls Road). The Ashley Schiff Forest Preserve separates the South Campus from West Campus. The Long Island Rail Road serves the community with the Stony Brook Station situated along the northern edge of the campus.
Also located in the east side of campus are the Chapin apartments which provide housing for graduate students. The Long Island High Technology Incubator, one of the four business incubators of the University, is located a short walk north of the hospital. Directly south of the Hospital lies the Stony Brook Cancer Center and Ambulatory Surgery Center. The Stony Brook Children's hospital can also be found on the East Campus. In late 2013 Stony Brook announced the construction of the $194 million Medical and Research Translational Building which will be located in the East Campus. The Long Island State Veterans Home serving the Long Island veteran community is located in this part of campus.
主校区位于历史悠久的石溪北部的小村庄,靠近长岛的地理中点,位于曼哈顿以东约50英里(80公里),距蒙托克以西约67英里(108公里)。北边的纽约州25A线(北方国道)以北,通过县道97号(尼科尔斯路)将校园分为西校区和东校区 。阿什利希夫森林保护区将南校区与西校区分开。在长岛铁路服务与社区石溪站沿着校园的北部边缘位于。
西校区:西校区是大学学术生活的中心。它拥有大部分的学术,运动和本科学生住房设施,同时也是大学的原址。现代化的校园以学术购物中心为中心,从西端的西蒙斯几何物理中心到东端的行政大楼四分之一英里。学术购物中心包括学生活动中心、Frank Melville Jr.纪念图书馆、Staller艺术中心、人文科学、心理学A和B、哈里曼霍尔、弗雷霍尔(以前称为旧化学)、地球和空间科学、数学和物理设施。距购物中心不远的是工程学院、,轻工学院、重工学院和计算中心等设施、生命科学综合体、Javits讲座中心、社会行为科学、计算机科学和学生会设施也位于校园西侧。校园中最新增加的有西蒙斯几何与物理中心、新的沃尔特·霍里斯校区娱乐中心、希尔顿花园酒店、弗雷·霍尔和一座新的计算机科学大楼。该Staller中心包含在最大电影屏幕长岛的萨福克郡举行一年一度的石溪电影节。体育设施位于西校区的西北象限包括石溪体育中心、石溪大学体育馆、肯尼斯体育场、乔·纳丹球场、大学赛道和大学球场。
南校区:南校区位于学术商业区以南大约半英里处由Ashley Schiff森林保护区与West Campus隔开。其中包括是牙科医学院、海洋与大气科学学院、科迪自闭症和发育障碍中心以及大学警察总部的所在地。
研究和开发:在研究和开发园区位于石溪路,从校园中心一英里。2005年11月3日,大学宣布,它已正式收购246英亩(1.00平方公里相邻Flowerfield财产),最初由拥有圣詹姆斯 美国旋翼式螺旋桨飞机公司,通过征用,三年大学已表示后其收购物业的意愿。斯托尼布鲁克利用这个地产作为研发园区,类似于全国其他大学附属的科学园区。校园将最终容纳10栋新建筑。第一座无线和信息技术卓越中心于2008年10月竣工。由Flad Architects设计的先进能源研究和技术中心的建设工程于2008年夏天开始,并将于2010年春季开放。
In 2002, the University established a presence in Manhattan with the opening of Stony Brook Manhattan. The original site was located at 401 Park Avenue South; a newer operation opened in late 2008 in the adjacent building on the third floor of 387 Park Avenue South. The University consolidated operations in 2011 to just the 3rd floor of 387 Park Avenue South, with a classroom entrance around the corner at 101 East 27th Street. The 18,000-square-foot (1,700 m2) site allows Stony Brook to offer professional and graduate courses targeted towards students in New York City; undergraduate courses are held primarily during the summer and winter sessions. Conferences and special events take place throughout the year.
2002年,曼哈顿石溪大学开幕,曼彻斯特大学成立。原址位于南大街公园大道401号; 一项较新的行动于二零零八年年底在公园大道南三八七号三楼毗邻的大厦开幕。大学在2011年将公园大道南387号的三楼整合,在东27街101号拐角处设有教室入口。18000平方英尺(1700平方米)网站允许石溪提供有针对性的对学生的专业和研究生课程纽约市; 本科课程主要在夏季和冬季期间举行。会议和特别活动全年进行。
On March 24, 2006, the University completed the purchase of the 81-acre (330,000 m2) Southampton College (on the east end of Long Island) property from Long Island University with the intent to develop it as a full college campus focusing on academic programs related to the environment and sustainability. Stony Brook expanded its original program, started in the fall of 2005, when it offered an undergraduate marine sciences program, with teaching and research facilities at the campus leased from Long Island University. An enrollment of about 2,000 students is expected within the next five years. Professor Martin Schoonen was appointed interim dean of Southampton campus on August 3, 2006, and conservationist Mary Pearl was appointed dean and vice president in March 2009.As of 2015, the Stony Brook Southampton campus has shown growth, despite almost being closed down in 2010. Programs had been added back and the Board of Trustees of the State University of New York approved a long-awaited partnership agreement between Southampton and Stony Brook University hospitals. Enrollment increased to over 400, after being around 175, three years following the addition of new funding.
2006年3月24日,该大学完成了购买81英亩(33万平方米)南安普敦大学从(长岛东端)物业长岛大学的意图去发展它作为一个完整的大学校园重点与环境和可持续性相关的学术课程。斯托尼布鲁克扩大了原来的计划,开始于2005年秋季,当时它提供了一个本科海洋科学计划,在长岛大学租借的校园里有教学和研究设施。预计未来五年内将招收约2000名学生。Martin Schoonen教授于2006年8月3日被任命为南安普敦校区临时院长,2009年3月,环保主义者Mary Pearl被任命为院长兼副院长。南安普敦校园,其着名的风车2010年4月7日,大学暂停了住宿计划,并将可持续发展计划转到了主校区。这一变化是由于国家严重削减预算。虽然海洋科学和研究生写作课程仍然在南安普敦,本科生被搬迁到主校区。由于住宿方案暂停,所有餐饮服务和零售业务都被学院学生协会暂停。广播电台和国家广播电台的分支机构不再在校园内运作。2011年9月,石溪布鲁克南安普敦开始提供一个名为海上学期的本科课程,在那里学生参加本科课程学习海洋或艺术。学习海洋的学生沉浸在与水接近的海洋课题中,大量的研究船和正在进行的研究生研究项目。学习艺术的学生从事电影制作和创造性写作的研究,与美术硕士学生交流,加上着名的电影制作人和作者,是汉普顿文化遗产的一部分。这两个计划都提供了一个公共讲座系列,将高度着名的科学家和作家与社区联系起来。截至2015年,斯托尼布鲁克南安普敦校区已经显示出增长,尽管在2010年几乎被关闭了。计划被重新加入,纽约州立大学董事会批准了南安普顿和石溪的期待已久的合作协议大学医院。入学人数增加到400人以上,175人左右,增加了新的资金后三年。
Stony Brook has a wide variety of student-run organizations on campus, which include sororities and fraternities, and a count of almost 300 recognized student clubs and organizations. The Undergraduate Student Government at Stony Brook University is trusted with the responsibility of budgeting the undergraduate student activity fee which funds most student run organizations on campus. The Graduate Student Organization is responsible for budgeting the graduate student activity fee, and supplies a variety of funding opportunities, programming, student services, and funding for departmental and student organizations.