2017-10-31 656人浏览
哈佛大学—关于成绩单的要求—如果你在过去两年里上过不止一所高中,那么我们要求你之前的counselor 或者学校工作人员代表你提交一份你在校表现的书面说明。他们可以直接把说明通过邮寄到以下地址或者传真到哈佛招生办公室。
School Report and Mid-Year School Report (including transcripts)
These forms must be completed by your school counselor or other school adviser. Ask that the School Report form be completed and returned to our office as soon as possible. Your school also must submit an official high school transcript, preferably submitted online through Parchment/Docufide or Scrip-safe International. The Mid-Year Report should be returned in February with your latest grades.
If you have attended more than one high school in the past two years, we request that your previous guidance counselor(s) or school official(s) submit a statement on your behalf about your time at that school. Please ask them to send their statement to Harvard College Admissions at 86 Brattle St. Cambridge, MA 02138 or fax it to (617) 495-8821.
达特茅斯大学-强烈建议申请人提交一封同龄人推荐信。可以在commonapplication里的其他推荐人“other recommender”里添加推荐人。
Peer Evaluation (Strongly encouraged. Located withinthe "Other Recommender" section of the Common Application.)
2 SAT Subject Tests (recommended)
Test Scores
If you're applying early action, you should request your test scores fromthe testing agency no later than October 7. Scores requested and tests takenafter October 7 may not arrive in time to complete your early actionapplication. As long as you have a test score on file by our early actiondeadline, however, we'll consider any additional scores that arrive in ouroffice before our mid-December decision date.
Proofof English Proficiency
Forstudents whose native language is not English – REGARDLESS OF WHERE YOU ARESTUDYING – proof of English proficiency is required. There are multiple ways tosatisfy this requirement. Applicants should submit results of one of thefollowing: TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge Advanced English Exam (CAE) or Pearson Testof English (PTE) exam. The minimum passing requirements are as follows: TOEFL92 (reading sub score 22, listening sub score 22, speaking sub score 24,writing sub score 22; IELTS 6.5 (no band below 6.0); PTE 62 (no band below 62);CAE 58. In the rare instances when a student is admitted with scores belowthese minimums, that student will be required to take an additionalNortheastern University-based English language assessment prior to enrollment.The results of that assessment may require a student to take supplementalEnglish instruction in the first semester of the freshman year. Additionally,individual applicants may, through the application review process, beidentified as students for whom we need additional information regardingEnglish proficiency. These students will also be required to take theadditional assessment and will be notified prior to May 1 if that is the case.
佛罗里达大学-要求国际新生在申请的时候对任何高中或者大学的成绩单进行成绩认证,可以选择的认证机构包括Academic Evaluation Services,Educational Credential Evaluators 和•Josef Silny& Associates Inc.。
Internationalfreshman applicants are required to submit secondary and college or universitycredentials from non-U.S. institutions to a credential evaluation agency for acourse-by-course evaluation with grade point average calculation. Companiesoffering these evaluation services include:
Academic Evaluation Services
Educational Credential Evaluators
Josef Silny & Associates Inc.